Our Mission

Our Mission

Be Kind Townsville

At Be Kind Townsville, we aim to promote mental well-being and create a community where kindness and support are at the forefront. We strive to provide resources, support, and a safe space for individuals to overcome mental health challenges and lead peaceful lives.

Join Our Mission

Your support is crucial to our success. Whether you’re a volunteer, donor, or advocate, you can play a vital role in creating a kinder, more supportive community. Get involved, stay informed, and help us make a difference.

Promote Mental Health Awareness:

Raise awareness about mental health issues and reduce stigma through education and outreach.

Provide Support

Offer counseling, support groups, and resources to those in need.

Build Community

Foster a sense of belonging and support through community events and activities.

Encourage Kindness

Inspire acts of kindness and compassion within the community to build a more supportive Townsville.